如皋大学英语四六级培训 大学英语四级听力指导

南通,如皋2025-02-16 16:54:13
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公司名称:上元教育 具体地点:海阳路336号中山大厦12楼 联系人:赵老师 大学四级考前听力指导 新闻听力5大解题技巧 1. 注意听新闻开头处信息 2.留心挺新闻六大核心信息 3.根据选项;联想新闻主题 4.根据选项确定记录重点 5.依靠常识 长对话的4个答题技巧 1.做好笔记,抓住细节 2.简短回答不简单 3.抓听结尾核心词,锁定 4.听到什么选什么 听力篇章的6个答题技巧 1.听力篇章开头处常考 2.听力篇章结尾处常考 3.举例及并列列举处常考 4.并列/转折/因果关系及强调处常考 5.形容词/副词比较级与 高级处常考 6.特殊疑问句、反问句或其他强调句式处常考 举个例子: 听力篇章中出现形容词/副词比较级与 高级的地方,常常被拿来出题。因此,听篇章时,应留意出现形容词或副词比较级与 高级的地方,分清楚比较级和 高级对比的内容、范围、程度等。 【真题】 A) They will not bring real benefits to the staff. B) They concern a small number of people only. C) They are arbitrarily set by the administrators. D) They are beyond the control of ordinary workers. 【录音】 Many people now talk about the importance of a company’s shared values or culture, with which all the staff can identify: for example, being the best hotel chain, or making the best, the most user-friendly or the most reliable products in a particular field. Such values are more likely to motivate workers than financial targets, which ultimately only concern a few people... Q: Why does the speaker say financial targets are less likely to motivate workers? 【详解】 为B。听力篇章中谈到公司价值观的时候,说价值观相比财务指标更能激励员工,因为财务指标基本上只涉及小部分人,因此选B。可见对比或比较处常考,当听到more likely... than时应特别留意
如皋大学英语四六级培训 大学英语四级听力指导 - 图片